EMDR therapy for moms with anxiety

Learn skills for coping with anxiety during pregnancy.

pregnant woman

So you’re having a baby!

You can't sleep without having to get up to pee all night; meanwhile your husband snores away…

You're up late searching for all the things:

How painful is labor?

Lamaze, Hypnobirthing,

Epidural, Bradley Method, Pain free birthing?!

How will this new baby affect the kids I already have?

Hungry for all the information but overwhelmed at the same time.

So much to learn! And so little time …

(even though 40 weeks is an eternity)

How I help you prepare for birth

It’s possible for you to be at peace with whatever may happen:

  • Accept the unknown

  • Challenge any fearful thoughts that may intrude

  • Develop a game plan that you can start practicing today

  • Communicate your plan to your birth team so you have encouragement during your most difficult moments

Use your voice to get the birth you deserve.

Your mind is so powerful!

Tokophobia is the word for fear of childbirth. In the media childbirth is a scary and chaotic event that is loud and has everyone rushing around so the baby doesn't just fall out onto the grocery store floor. Birth in real life can certainly be described in some of these ways, but it doesn't have to be traumatic.

While we can't 100% control what will happen, there actually is a lot that you do have control over, and so many choices you have.

The most important part of your body is during labor and delivery:
Your mind!

Labor is only 20% physical but 80% of the work to bring your baby into the world is mental!

You have a choice of how to use your mind:

  • Are you going to catastrophize (fancy therapy word for ruminating on the worst case scenarios)?

  • Or are you going to use that 80% to harness your powerful womanhood to have the beautiful birthing experience you imagine?

silhouette of pregnant woman

Are you ready to feel safe, strong, & empowered?

Let's figure out the root of your fears and how to get past them, so you can have the birth you want. You were made for this!